Apache Kafka

Posted on: Wed, 06/24/2020 - 09:17 By: valentina.janev

Apache Kafka is a distributed messaging system that uses the publish-subscribe mechanism. It was developed to support continuous and resilient messaging with high throughput at LinkedIn. Kafka is a fast, scalable, durable, and fault-tolerant system. It maintains feeds of messages in categories called topics. These topics are used to store messages from the producers and deliver them to the consumers who have subscribed to that topic.

Big Data Analytics Summer School, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2020

Posted on: Tue, 06/23/2020 - 15:28 By: valentina.janev

Organizing Committee

About the School

One of the objectives of the LAMBDA project is organization of a Big Data Analytics Summer School in Belgrade in 2019 and 2020.

Survey on Big Data Tools

Posted on: Thu, 06/11/2020 - 09:53 By: valentina.janev

This introductory lecture discusses the Big Data processing pipeline and the Big Data Landscape from the following perspectives

  • Big Data Frameworks
  • NoSQL Platforms and Knowledge Graphs
  • Stream Processing Data Engines
  • Big Data Preprocessing
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Big Data Visualization Tools.

Overview and Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms

Posted on: Thu, 06/11/2020 - 09:24 By: valentina.janev

Big Data Analytics is a crucial component of the Big data paradigm and refers to the process of extracting useful knowledge from large datasets or streams of data. Due to enormity, high dimensionality, heterogeneous, and distributed nature of data, traditional techniques of data mining may be unsuitable to work with big data. 

SCADA Intrusion Detection Systems

Posted on: Thu, 06/11/2020 - 08:44 By: valentina.janev

Specific intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are needed to secure modern supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems due to their architecture, stringent real-time requirements, network traffic features and specific application layer protocols. This lecture aims to contribute to assess the state-of-the-art, identify the open issues and provide an insight for future study areas. To achieve these objectives, we start from the factors that impact the design of dedicated intrusion detection systems in SCADA networks and focus on network-based IDS solutions.

Reasoning on Financial Knowledge Graphs: The Case of Company Networks

Posted on: Fri, 06/05/2020 - 10:53 By: valentina.janev

The initial release of KGs was started on an industry scale by Google and further continued with the publication of other large-scale KGs such as Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, DBpedia, Wikidata and many more. As an influence of the increasing hype in KG and advanced AI-based services, every individual company or organization is adapting to KG. The KG technology has immediately reached industry, and big companies have started to build their own graphs such as the industrial Knowledge Graph at Siemens.

Embedding-based Recommendations on Scholarly Knowledge Graphs

Posted on: Tue, 06/02/2020 - 09:37 By: valentina.janev

The increasing availability of scholarly metadata in the form of Knowledge Graphs (KG) offers opportunities for studying the structure of scholarly communication and the evolution of science. Such KGs build the foundation for knowledge-driven tasks e.g., link discovery, prediction and entity classification which allows to provide recommendation services. Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models have been investigated for such knowledge-driven tasks in different application domains.

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