Posted on: Mon, 07/23/2018 - 16:09 By: valentina.janev

This deliverable serves as a tool to help the LAMBDA Project Management Board to plan, manage implementation of, report on, and evaluate the LAMBDA project. It sets out the governance structure (e.g. responsibilities of partners, lead roles, etc.) as well as the mechanisms and tools (e.g. mailing lists, project calendar, reporting etc.) used for the management and administrative coordination of the project. It also defines the communication processes within the consortium as well as to the EC and outlines the consortium's project activities and outcomes. 

In general, the project management revolves around administrative, legal and financial issues.

Project administration for LAMBDA covers the following tasks:

  • Management of the consortium,
  • Communication within the consortium as well as with the Commission,
  • Provision of guidelines on quality assurance and report writing, including the provision of various templates,
  • Organization of regular conference calls for all partners and provision of minutes, etc.,
  • Monitoring of resource expenditure, and
  • Submission of reports and deliverables.

Legal and financial issues tasks in the project include the following:

  • Management of contractual issues and timely distribution of corresponding documents and relevant information to partners (e.g. regarding Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement),
  • Communication between consortium partners and the EU on project- and funding-related questions and
  • Management of budget and distribution of payments to partners. 

The LAMBDA Project Workplan (Activities definitions, Responsibility matrix, Calendar of events) is based on the Grant Agreement Annex 1, Part A (Section 1.3 Workplan Tables) and Part B (Section 3: Implementation). The monitoring component of the LAMBDA Project Workplan (monitoring matrix, target indicators) will be presented in detail in Deliverable 1.4 Quality control, risk management and self-assessment (Plan), due to Month 6.

Work package