Funded by "Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation" Work Programme 2016-2017, the LAMBDA (Learning, Applying, Multiplying Big Data Analytics) project aims the following goals:
- Strengthening the human capital, education, research and development capacities of “Mihajlo Pupin” institute to serve as a Big Data & Analytics HUB. Mihajlo Pupin institute is the leading Serbian R&D institution in information and communication technologies that will connect and integrate scientists and professionals from the West Balkans and the entire region into the European Research Area.
- Decreasing the existing European regional R&I disparity by fostering excellence in the Big Data Ecosystem areas, unlocking and raising the scientific profile of academics institutions from Serbia and the region while contributing to European progress beyond the state-of-the-art of related research and technology, as well as establishing productive and fruitful long-term cooperation.
This report provides a description of stakeholders engagement (Task 5.1), the potential for commercial or industrial exploitation (Task 5.3) and related activities conducted during the first half of the project.
Outreach and engagement with different types of stakeholders including the wider public is one of the goals of the LAMBDA project. By strengthening the links with industry and by developing commercial awareness, LAMBDA helps researchers to identifying real-world challenges easily and to understand the use of Big Data and emerging technologies for innovative solutions. In the first six months of the project, the LAMBDA consortium established a stakeholder database, as part of the private side of the LAMBDA platform that stores information about stakeholders from different levels: local, regional, national and EU. The LAMBDA stakeholder database, the strategy of how the stakeholder database is maintained, which type of stakeholders to involve in LAMBDA Dissemination and Exploitation activities is presented in Deliverable 5.1 Stakeholders Database and Market Analysis (M06). Additionally, Deliverable 5.2 discusses the LAMBDA Dissemination and Communication Strategy, the transferable outputs (exploitable results) and the and Preliminary Exploitation Plan (M06).
This document presents an update on the stakeholder engagement/interaction and a summary of the exploitation activities including market analysis, case studies, product/service development, teaching/training services, MSc/PhD thesis defence, follow-up projects or project proposals, and Big Data ecosystem development.
The dissemination and exploitation activities will also be carried out in the second half of the LAMBDA beyond the project lifetime.