DBpedia and the Serbian Language Chapter

Posted on: Wed, 05/12/2021 - 15:46 By: valentina.janev

Linked Open Data is a pragmatic approach for realizing the Semantic Web vision of making the Web a global, distributed, semantics-based information system. Linked Data technology matured significantly in the past few years. Automatic linking, extraction, mapping, and visualization of RDF data became mainstream technology provided by mature open-source software components. A vast number of small and large Linked Data resources, including DBPedia, now amounts to over 50 billion triples in total.

DCAT Application profile

Posted on: Wed, 05/12/2021 - 15:38 By: valentina.janev

The aim of this work is to present the DCAT Application Profile (DCAT-AP) standard which in turn is derived from the W3C DCAT standard. DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web and also represent a way to provide context or metadata for datasets.

Apache Hadoop

Posted on: Wed, 05/12/2021 - 15:05 By: valentina.janev

Ova lekcija opisuje softversko okruženje za obradu velikih količina podataka Apache Hadoop, njegove komponente koji upotpunjavaju i proširuju mogućnosti Hadoop-a, kao i njegovo korištenje u praksi. Da bismo u potpunosti razumeli prednosti Hadoop-a, potrebno je sagledati najpre razliku između paralelnog i distribuiranog računanja, načine čuvanja (HDFS arhitekturu), upravljanje resursima i procesiranja podataka, princip horizontalne skalabilnosti, itd.

PLATOON Data Analytics Toolbox

Posted on: Wed, 05/12/2021 - 10:54 By: valentina.janev

The PLATOON Data Analytics toolbox is formed of all the data analytics tools that are developed and validated for the different use cases of the project. These tools will allow the extraction of value from heterogeneous data sources. There will be two main groups of data analytics tools:

Managing Knowledge in Energy Data Spaces, BiDAW - WWW 2021

Posted on: Mon, 04/26/2021 - 12:01 By: valentina.janev

The International Workshop on Transforming Big  Data into  Actionable Knowledge (BiDAW) is a workshop organized annually and colocated with The Web Conference (WWW). The 30. WWW was to be held in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, in the heart of Europe. Due to the current health situation worldwide, it was a fully virtual conference.

Integrated Energy Value Chains - Overview of Technologies and Lessons Learned

Posted on: Mon, 04/26/2021 - 11:54 By: valentina.janev

The European electricity system undergoes significant changes driven by the European Union (EU) common rules for the internal market for electricity, as well as by the climate action agenda. The European Green Deal is also an opportunity for modernizing the energy system in order to make it competitive and sustainable with regard to the environment.

Managing Knowledge in Energy Data Spaces

Posted on: Mon, 04/26/2021 - 11:39 By: valentina.janev

Data in the energy domain grows at unprecedented rates and is usually generated by heterogeneous energy systems.
Despite the great potential that big data-driven technologies can bring to the energy sector, general adoption is still lagging. Several challenges related to controlled data exchange and data integration are still not wholly achieved. As a result, fragmented applications are developed against energy data silos, and data exchange is limited to few applications.

11th International Conference on Information Society and Technology

Posted on: Tue, 03/09/2021 - 13:16 By: valentina.janev

ICIST Conference series is one of the top IT scientific events in the region, with 70-100 papers presented each year, an average of 200 participants per edition, attended also by the number of IT industry representatives in the region. It hosts distinguished scientists' keynotes (in past years, we were honored to share the stage with Richard Mark Soley, Orri Erling, Howard Moskowitz, Bran Selić and others), scientific sessions, panel discussions, industry presentations with exciting social programme for motivated and successful networking.

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