This document presents details of the dissemination and communication activities implemented for the reporting period (M1-M12). During this period, WP5 focused its efforts on developing and implementing the appropriate dissemination and communication strategies and activities that will result in the best and most effective promotion of the project in the local, regional areas as well as European and international level.
The LAMBDA portal ( as the main source of information about the project activities and results has been updated regularly, see past events. In order to support LAMBDA researchers in spreading information and project publicity, the PUPIN team prepared general promotion material (leaflet, poster, PowerPoint presentation, templates, teaser video etc.), established the LAMBDA ‘Network of Experts’ Group on LinkedIn and activated the Net4LAMBDA account on Twitter.
In the reporting period, the LAMBDA researchers organized five scientific events including the LAMBDA Big Data Analytics Summer School. LAMBDA researchers presented results at many other events (US-Serbia & West Balkan Data Science Workshop, Very Large Data Bases 2018, SEMANTiCS 2018, TELFOR 2018, GIS and Remote Sensing 2018, ICIST 2019, ESWC 2019) and attended different networking events on topics relevant for the project.