Posted on: Thu, 09/24/2020 - 12:07 By: valentina.janev

The Kick-off Meeting of the COST Action CA19134 - Distributed Knowledge Graphs was organized ONLINE on 23 and 24 of September 2020.

The main aim of the Action is to create a research community for deployable Distributed Knowledge Graph technologies that are standards-based, and open, embrace the FAIR principles, allow for access control and privacy protection, and enable the decentralised publishing of high quality data. To this end, the Action connects European researchers and practitioners from: (1) diverse application domains and (2) the whole life cycle of Distributed Knowledge Graphs, from provisioning to finding, accessing, integrating, programming, deploying, enriching, and analytics. The Action will develop practices for scalable, privacy-respecting, high quality and decentralised Knowledge Graph publication and consumption, reach out to the European industry, and formulate a research agenda.

Work package