Posted on: Wed, 12/26/2018 - 15:33 By: valentina.janev

PUPIN Team participated at the “Reinventing the world-The power of Industry 4.0” Conference organized by the Science Technology Park Belgrade.

Industry 4.0

Visionary talks, workshops and panels that bring new ideas and knowledge on what shapes our future in 4.0 world were presented at the event.

First day of the Conference was dedicated to bring the vision of the world in Industry 4.0. Learn more about what is the future of software engineering, what are the cyber securty threats in IoT, as well as how we can use nature to develop industry from amazing speakers from Germany, Switzerland, Sweeden, etc. Participants were able to see the demonstration of FESTO Bionic product: BionicCobot and to see how machines can work directly and safely together with humans. Additionally, participants were able to hear more about the role of start-ups in Industry 4.0 from the start-up founders from the region and abroad.

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