Organization of PhD Workshops
This activity will be implemented as part of the SINERGY project.
This activity will be implemented as part of the SINERGY project.
The term "green growth" or "green economy" is often used for the energy transition. In its essence, this process implies a radical transformation of energy based on decarbonization and digitalization. A fair energy transition also leads to decentralization and democratization of the sector, ie the inclusion of customers as active participants in energy markets, as consumers and energy producers. The conference, organized by Serbia's Energy Association, aims to address the different issues arising from the anticipated changes.
Telecommunications Forum TELFOR is an INTERNATIONAL annual meeting of professionals working in the broad fields of Telecommunications and Information Technologies. The participants are mostly telecommunications engineers, but also economists, jurists, managers, governmental officials, students, researchers, operators, service providers, and others.
On 1st of April 2021, Dr. Valentina Janev gave a keynote entitled Integrated Energy Value Chains - Overview of Technologies and Lessons Learned at the III International Scientific-Professional Conference Circular and Bioeconomics – CIBEK 21 (ONLINE). Dr.
ICIST Conference series is one of the top IT scientific events in the region, with 70-100 papers presented each year, an average of 200 participants per edition, attended also by the number of IT industry representatives in the region. It hosts distinguished scientists' keynotes (in past years, we were honored to share the stage with Richard Mark Soley, Orri Erling, Howard Moskowitz, Bran Selić and others), scientific sessions, panel discussions, industry presentations with exciting social programme for motivated and successful networking.
Dr. Valentina Janev has been invited to actively participate in the work of the Gender Equality Committee of the University of Belgrade. In the year 2021, the first meeting was organized on the 2nd of February with the aim to discuss the new Law on Gender Equality to be adopted by May 2021.
More info about the Gender Equality Plan of the Institute Mihajlo Pupin can be found here.
We are very pleased to inform you that LAMBDA project was invited to give a presentation at the VIDIS Kick-off Meeting, a twinning project coordinated by Dr. Milena Jovašević-Stojanović, Department of Radiation and Environmental Protection, VINČA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SCIENCES, Belgrade, Serbia.
We are very pleased to announce that the 3rd edition of the Belgrade Big Data Analytics Summer School will be organized by the LAMBDA Consortium from 15 June to 17 June 2021, see