Posted on: Wed, 04/15/2020 - 21:21 By: valentina.janev

This deliverable summarizes the activities of the Mihajlo Pupin Institute’s activities regarding the planned activities in Task 4.3 (LAMBDA Learning and Consulting Tools at PUPIN) framework. Task 4.3 (M13-M24) has three main objectives:
● to establish a single environment (BDA Learning and Consulting platform) for learning Big Data related algorithms, methods, tools and prototypes with the help of visiting scholars from the linked institutions. The objective is to establish a playground for early stage researchers for experimentation with open source tools in Big Data scenarios relevant for PUPIN.
● to provide an opportunity for UBO, IAIS and UOXF researchers to learn about real-world challenges from existing ‘Big Data’ PUPIN clients from government, energy, transport and other sectors.
● to continuously monitor the Big Data & Analytics market.
In the last two year, the PUPIN team succeed to establish a Technology watch activity where the researchers constantly explore the market of Big Data tools and conduct experiments. As a result, several articles were presented and published as conference or journal papers.
The most promising domain for experimentation is the energy sector, based on the availability of data from the PUPIN proprietary VIEW4 SCADA system.

Work package