Posted on: Sun, 02/02/2020 - 09:36 By: valentina.janev

Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann, Lead Scientist for Conversational AI and Knowledge Graphs at Fraunhofer IAIS, presented an overview on current Conversational AI research.

Prof. Lehmann talked about Speech-to-Text, Question Answering via Knowledge Graphs and Text-to-Speech AI systems, and demonstrates the SPEAKER voice assistant platform, which is based on technologies of the Fraunhofer IAIS and IIS institutes. The SPEAKER project was awarded at the AI innovation contest of the BMWi. This lecture was held on last year's FUTURAS IN RES conference with the motto "What's the IQ of AI?". More Info: Fraunhofer IAIS Fraunhofer IIS Conversational AI SPEAKER FUTURAS IN RES