Posted on: Wed, 05/12/2021 - 15:55 By: valentina.janev

The process of providing cross-border public services across EU Member States is complex, due to the heterogeneity of the actors, information and services of the different Member States. The complexity of exchanging data may lead to semantic interoperability conflicts. The Core Vocabularies can be used to reduce these semantic conflicts in two ways:

  • The design of new data models that extend the Core Vocabularies: new data models that make use of the Core Vocabularies as building blocks, either at conceptual level or at syntax level, guarantee a minimum of cross-sector interoperability.
  • The mapping of existing data models to the Core Vocabularies: existing data models that have mappings to the Core Vocabularies allow using the Core Vocabularies as a common foundational data model allowing to bridge different data models.

The goal of this technical report is to analyze the core vocabularies within the European Union through the activities SEMIC organization and analysis of the existence of core vocabularies and datasets in the United States. Also, it is necessary to analyze the core vocabularies and datasets and determine compliance with W3C standards. The first section of this article includes a description of SEMIC activities, modes of operation and information collection while the second section shows the examination of the existence of core vocabularies and datasets in the United States.

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